Lexington’s Northside YMCA will soon have 10 new outdoor pickleball courts, thanks to a $200,000 dollar donation from a fan of America’s fastest-growing sport. Cory Donohoo is the Northside Y’s operations director. He said they’ll be open for pickup play early this month.
“The city itself is adding new outdoor courts in various parks around Lexington, but there's not a lot of outdoor, or really any outdoor opportunities to play on the north side of Lexington. And so we wanted to provide that to this side of town.”
Donohoo said the new courts are built on the site of two outdoor basketball courts that were rarely used -- and it won’t just be the older set who’ll be playing on them.
“A lot of retirees and folks play, but we want to make sure that all ages have the opportunity to play and learn and maybe use it as an opportunity to engage in physical activity in a new way.”
Donohoo said Lexington’s four YMCAs have a total of about a dozen indoor pickleball courts and that he expects the Northside outdoor courts to be used year-round – on sunny days, anyway.
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