New plans have been submitted to Dumfries and Galloway Council for the redevelopment of Annan harbour.
The proposals, created by the Annan Harbour Action Group (AHAG), include a tidal lagoon for water sports, in an attempt to tempt tourists back into the area.
An £8.6m bid has also been made to the UK Government's Levelling Up fund to support the scheme.
A planning design statement put together by Arc Architects points out that Annan's history of fishing, trading and shipbuilding over the past century has been forgotten about, with the town's waterfront area "blighted by disused buildings and contaminated land" and "derelict ships abandoned in a silted-up harbour".
The local community now wants to revive it as an "important economic, cultural and environmental resource for the town's residents and visitors".

AHAG is in the process of taking ownership of buildings and land in the area.
A semi-derelict warehouse on the quayside could be overhauled to accommodate a heritage and visitor centre with a cafe, bunkhouse and training area.
A feasibility study suggested this could draw in more than 11,000 visitors a year, generating millions of pounds for the local economy and creating new jobs.
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