A driver called a horse rider a "middle-class t**t" during a confrontation in a Welsh village.
A video filmed at the scene shows the exchange in Peterston-super-Ely in the borough of Vale of Glamorgan.
The woman, who is a nurse, claims the driver "nearly killed" horse riders who were out on a narrow lane in the village.
However, the driver says he "didn't come anywhere near" them and slowed down as soon as he saw the horse, Wales Online reports.
One of the riders, who recorded the footage and asked to be anonymous, explained: "We were riding through Peterston-super-Ely and this car came towards us so we asked him to slow down.

"Drivers hate horses on the road but we were in the middle of the countryside."
The car driver said: "Make sure you realise you are a middle class t***."
The rider replied: "I'm a nurse and I'm not a t***, I'm riding a horse."

The aggressive car driver said the rider was "talking like you've got b****cks in your mouth", adding: "It's a courtesy that people slow down for horses."
But the rider said: "No, it's not, it's in the Highway Code. It's law."
He added: "It doesn't matter anyway as I didn't see you coming."
The pair continued arguing, before the man drove off and they went separate ways.

The horse rider said she initially thought the exchange was funny, but as the man continued his tirade she began to feel "intimidated".
Point 215 of the Highway Code states: "Be particularly careful of horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles especially when approaching, overtaking, passing or moving away.
"Always pass wide and slowly. When you see a horse on a road, you should slow down to a maximum of 10mph. Be patient, do not sound your horn or rev your engine.
"When safe to do so, pass wide and slow, allowing at least 2 metres of space."
It adds: "Take great care and treat all horses as a potential hazard; they can be unpredictable, despite the efforts of their rider/driver.
"Remember there are three brains at work when you pass a horse; the rider's, the driver's and the horse's. Do not forget horses are flight animals and can move incredibly quickly if startled."