And other stories from the stranger side of life
Scientists have ruled that Jaffa Cakes, not digestives, are the most dunkable biscuits and not everyone has taken the news well. Researchers dunked 17 of the most popular biscuits into water at the average temperature of a cup of tea — between 70C and 75C — and noted how many dunks it took them to break apart. The Jaffa Cake withstood 116 dunks before breaking, while the Digestive lost its integrity after just six. The Daily Star said the claim is the “sickest thing you’ll read today” and there was anger on Twitter, where one user wrote that “if you dunk a Jaffa cake you should be f**king deported”.
Experts study ‘underwater disco’ of UK ponds
Scientists are studying the sounds of British ponds, discovering a “subaquatic chorus of chirrups, trills, crackles and whistles”, said The Times. Water beetles, bugs, fish, frogs, and aquatic plants all produce sounds beneath the surface of the water, building into an “underwater disco”, said Dr Jack Greenhalgh of the University of Bristol, who led the research. The team hopes the study can be used to monitor one of our most threatened ecosystems.
Kids use food cans to build a shark
Schoolchildren in Kentucky have built a sculpture of a shark from 2,262 canned goods and 400 bottles of water to win a local competition. The Oldham County Middle School kids used 2,090 tuna cans, 172 Chef Boyardee pasta cans and 400 bottles of water to fashion the shark. Following the victory, the food items and bottled waters used for the sculptures in the contest were donated to the a food kitchen to support local families in need, noted UPI.
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