In a swift breakthrough, the Narsapuram police rescued a boy named G. Agasya (7) in Krishna district within an hour of him being kidnapped. The boy is studying in Class II.
The kidnappers, reportedly hailing from Tanuku in West Godavari district, kidnapped Agasya at around 7 p.m. on Thursday when the boy was playing near his house in Narsapuram Town.
Following a complaint lodged by the boy’s grandfather G. Sai, police swung into action and traced the movements of the accused near Chinna Gollapalem. The team led by Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) P. Veeranjaneya Reddy intercepted the kidnapper’s car at around 8.15 p.m. and rescued the boy. The culprits, meanwhile, managed to escape into the fields along the roadside.
“Three persons planned to extort ransom from the kidnapped boy’s family. The accused called the boy’s family from their mobile phones and demanded ₹1 crore for his release,” the DSP told The Hindu on Friday.
The kidnappers, who are reportedly working as plumbers, had worked at Sai’s house a few months ago. Police recovered a toy pistol and knives from the car. A hunt is on to nab the accused, Mr. Veeranjaneya Reddy said.
The family members thanked the police for responding quickly and rescuing the boy within an hour.