ANAS Sarwar has had a brainwave.
Activity of that level usually barely registers on the Richter scale – but unfortunately someone let the press know.
He has threatened to “name and shame” colleagues who fail to share enough of the party’s content on social media, the Daily Record reports.
Faced with humiliating polling, the Scottish Labour leader will draw up – wait for it – a league table of MPs and MSPs to show who is sharing the most, and the least, party propaganda.
One insider told the Record: “Anas is absolutely right to demand more from colleagues. Sharing party messages on social media is the bare minimum we expect.”
Sarwar is said to be “increasingly frustrated” with his troops for failing in their first duty as elected representatives – mindlessly repeating the party line on social media.
Former comrade Neil Findlay (above) had a helpful suggestion: “I have to say a league table of ‘not sharing content on social media’ should be the least of his worries – a league table of those coming forward with ideas, standing up for their constituents and not making people poorer might be better.”
Simon Fletcher, who ran Jeremy Corbyn and Richard Leonard’s leadership campaigns, added: “Anas Sarwar’s problem isn’t the extent to which Scottish Labour MSPs share content on social media.
“It’s the policies and economic programme of the UK Labour Government.”
Sarwar can keep tweeting – but the polls are only going one way…