Bard Billot on a blue-party boofhead
Solid Foundation
Ironballs Mitchell, Soldier of Fortune,
Alligator Wrestler, and Certified Revlon Consultant,
Opens his case of skin care samples.
“Hello, Boys!” he says.
“I’d like to share some hot products
That take care of minor cosmetic imperfections –
Like full face gang tatts!”
His beauty class of full face gang tatt heavies
Watch on in amazement,
As Ironballs’ features are magically transformed
By a glowing vibrant sheen.
Another trans-Tasman balloon load of 501s touches down,
With its fresh intake of rogues and villains
For Ironballs Summer ’24 Makeover Clinic.
Victor Billot has previously felt moved to compose Odes in honour of such blue-party boofheads as Christopher Luxon, Michael Woodhouse and Simeon Brown.