I cannot believe that Tim Dowling failed to mention the humble, but oh so sustaining, egg banjo (Cracking! 17 deeply comforting fried egg recipes – from breakfast to a spaghetti surprise, 26 September). Has he never felt the joy seeping into his soul at 3.30am on a stormy night shift as he consumed this egg-based comestible, consisting of nothing more than cheap white bread, cheaper margarine, a fried egg and an oily thumb-print?
Polly Llwynfedwen
Brecon, Powys
• Tim Dowling’s take on comforting fried egg recipes is fine as far as it goes. But no buck rarebit? He has failed to crack out the most comforting fried egg recipe of all.
Sean Crawford
Brecon, Powys
• Margaret Parker (Letters, 26 September) asks why patients don’t ring their surgery to let them know that they will be late for their appointment. I had an appointment at the hospital, but got caught up in a traffic jam. I dialled the outpatient line, but after “holding” for 30 minutes, I missed my appointment anyway.
Irene Jones
Great Dunmow, Essex
• Never mind chocolate bars getting smaller (Report, 26 September), why is it now so hard to find a shirt with a breast pocket? Where do I put my specs?
David Duell
• My bicycle was so precious to me that I bought a state-of-the-art lock for it. Imagine my indignation when it was the lock that was stolen – they left the bike (Letters, 26 September).
Sara Green
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.