I was transfixed by the look in the eyes of the boy in the centre of the photo of devastation in Gaza (‘Bodies everywhere’: the horrors of Israel’s strike on a Rafah camp, 29 May). This is no “tragic mishap”, but an act of war. Instead of platitudes, the UK should immediately cut off the supply of arms to this out-of-control regime in Israel.
Mike Godridge
Brampton, Cumbria
• I have met numerous under-16s with more common sense than many MPs. If Labour legislates to allow a person to vote the day after their 16th birthday, how can parliament legislate to prevent that same person owning a smartphone the day before their 16th birthday (MPs urge under-16s UK smartphone ban and statutory ban in schools, 25 May).
Kim Thonger
Collyweston, Northamptonshire
• D-day commemorations are near again. Is there a danger that British second world war history is being distorted by excessive reference to the two Ds: Dunkirk and D-day? Where is the balanced narrative that includes the campaigns in Burma, north Africa and Italy?
Honor Cooper
• In the early 70s, I went into a WH Smith in Nantwich and asked if they had a Private Eye (Letters, 28 May). “No, but we do have Detective,” said the assistant.
Rob Williamson
• With Labour going from the three-word slogans of recent years down to one (Change), I’m waiting for the inevitable shift to just a grunt. Maybe Reform could oblige.
Paul Simpson
Southsea, Hampshire
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.