An American woman who recently made the move across the pond to London has been thrilled by the quality of food she's enjoyed in the UK so far - and has been particularly impressed by the eggs she's tried.
Ashley King was left delighted after purchasing a batch of a dozen eggs from Booths, which contained a rich, deep, flavourful orange yolk.
By comparison, Ashley claims that a regular egg bought over in the US would be a much paler yellow shade and that it would be nowhere near as tasty or nutritious.
Demonstrating just how perfectly golden the large free-range eggs were in a TikTok video, Ashley remarked that this was "just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to food quality in the UK versus the US".
In her vid, Ashley, who goes by the username @ashleyseestheworld, said: "I've just moved to London from the US. The food quality here is so much better. Let me just show you an example.
"So first, I want to say, these are free-range eggs, they're not organic. Side note, they always say where their eggs are from, and these are British, which most of them are in the store."
Plucking one egg from the box, Ashley continued: "I want to show you guys just how much higher quality a conventional free-range egg is. In the US, a conventional egg yolk would be yellow, don't believe me, go crack one and compare it to the colour that this will be."

Ashley then cracked the egg into a bowl, exclaiming: "Look at how orange this is. I'm moving it to the light so you can get a better view, but that is nice. You want an orange yolk because that means it has more nutrients in it."
Many Brits were left astonished by Ashley's amazed reaction to what appeared to be just an ordinary yolk, with one baffled person commenting: "Girl, that is a sad, pasty yellow egg by UK standards!"
Another wrote: "Aussie here and that's how our eggs look too. Shocked me when I ordered eggs in the States. So yellow! Why is that?!"
A third person shuddered: "I can't even imagine a yellow yolk. It sounds so wrong."
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