In his March 21 column in the Sun-Times (“Big Banks Must Stop Lending to Big Oil”), Ben Jealous refers to the recent Biden administration approval of the Willow oil-drilling project by ConocoPhillips in Alaska.
The administration’s approval of this project is deeply disappointing. It violates Joe Biden’s promise during the 2020 presidential campaign to stop drilling on public lands. The oil that these wells produce will release 277 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It’s as if we added 2 million cars powered by gasoline to the roads, exacerbating the climate crisis.
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As the United States and other countries transition to wind, solar, and other sustainable forms of energy, we absolutely must start to phase out our reliance on fossil fuels. In its sixth assessment report released recently, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated unequivocally that we must act now to reduce the use of fossil fuels or it will be too late to stave off the devastating consequences of higher global temperatures.
We should be taking steps to reduce oil drilling. To accomplish this, the U.S. government should institute a carbon-fee-and-dividend plan, which would reduce demand for fossil fuels while returning money to consumers. In addition, we should eliminate the $20 billion in annual subsidies that are currently going to the oil, natural gas, and coal industries.
Chris Johnson, Highland Park
Honoring veterans
Congratulations to the Illinois House, on passage of House Bill 1635, the transfer of the 4.7 acres from the Lake County Forest Preserve District to the National Cemetery. Introduced by Rep. Bob Morgan and co-sponsors Reps. Dan Dietech, Laura Dias and Joyce Mason, the bill keeps faith with our veterans as we continue Fort Sheridan National Cemetery as a field of honor for our veterans.
Michael Peck, Mundelein
Tom Tunney’s cinnamon rolls
I can confirm the claim Tom Tunney makes in Friday’s edition of the Sun-Times that he “work(s) seven days a week”. I witnessed with my very own eyes that at 8:00 a.m. on Christmas morning, he was stationed at his post at Ann Sather, helping Chicago meet its cinnamon roll needs.
Don Anderson, Oak Park
An ‘unreal’ firing
I’m in disbelief at what I read Tuesday in the Sun-Times on page 2 regarding the firing of labor negotiator Jim Franczek. Come on, Lori Lightfoot, this man is ready to pull the plug on a respectable career and you don’t like who he backed so you fire him? Unreal! Gives some insight on why you didn’t get past the first round of voting.
Thomas Patrick McClory, Bridgeview