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Whether you prefer leather or canvas, designer or daily use, tote bags are truly having their moment right now, and for good reason. These bags not only have a ton of carrying capacity, but their wide open design also allows you to customize how you organize them.
One of the best ways to arrange your tote is to use an insert like the $26 Ztujo Purse Organizer, which is currently on sale at Amazon for just $10. The medium size in beige is going for the best deal right now, but it is also available in sizes ranging from mini to extra large, which still come in under $30.
Ztujo Purse Organizer, $10 (was $26) at Amazon

This insert is designed to move in and out of your purses effortlessly, which means that you can also easily switch it between bags if you have more than one of the same size. It has a removable inner zippered pocket, as well as a ton of open pockets on the sides, which help to keep all of your small belongings secure and within reach.
One shopper wrote, "Well-made, soft, lightweight, and lots of compartments. I ordered the medium/gray and love it."
It is made with a sturdy felt material that not only holds its own structure, but also helps to support the structure of the bag, preventing slouching and wrinkling.
"The organizer remedies purse chaos," said another shopper. "No more rummaging for my wallet because items are accessible and neatly organized. Bonus, the black felt matches beautifully, protects the interior from wear and tear, and makes the bag more structured so it doesn’t tip."
There is also a clip for your keyring, which is customer-approved. "My favorite features are the removable zipper pouch that holds small essentials and the little leash with a clip to attach a wallet or keys," said one shopper.
This $10 purse insert is on sale now for 61% off, but there's no guarantee how long that will last. Since it is such a popular buy with over 22,500 five-star ratings, make sure you get one ASAP.