An Amazon delivery driver who stole parcels worth more than £2,000 was caught by residents who set up CCTV to trace their missing post, a court heard.
Nerecsa Lewis, 29, pocketed goods from residents in Esker Place, Bethnal Green, east London, for a week and a half last month.
Many of the parcels were Christmas presents which had been left on doorsteps by another delivery driver, Stratford magistrates' court heard.
Shannon O'Connor, prosecuting, said: 'These offences took place across five days all involving the same address of Margerie Court, 5 Esker Place.
"The defendant was at the time of these offences a delivery driver for Amazon.
"It seems she went to the location to drop off parcels on a number of dates and while she was delivering parcels in the lobby area she also stole a number of parcels.
"The residents at Margerie Court noticed that parcels were going missing, so the Residents' Association decided to install CCTV.
"It was then that they saw that the Amazon delivery driver was taking parcels."
Lewis was interviewed twice about the offences but made no comment at the time.
On Monday, she was given a community order of 12 months, 14 days at a women's skills course, a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement, 40 hours of unpaid work and costs of £85 along with a £95 victim surcharge.

Miss O'Connor said: "A large number of items were recovered from the defendant.
"As it these were parcels being delivered to the residents' property it is likely that the residents simply would have claimed from the company that delivered it."
Lewis, of Middleton Road, Hackney, admitted eight counts of burglary, between 26 November and 7 December last year.
She wiped away tears as she sat in the dock.
Magistrate Peter Lush said: "These were serious matters, that you have probably gathered, but out of character.
"We read the [pre-sentence] report carefully we are going to go along with the recommendations in the report."