Amanda Bynes fans are celebrating news that the actor’s conservatorship has officially been terminated
Bynres has had her personal and professional matters overseen since 2013, and the new ruling states that the conservatorship “is no longer needed or required”/
Ventura County Judge Roger Lund officially announced the ruling in the hearing, which lasted five minutes.
Bynes was not present but previously said on Instagram that she was “excited” by the prospect of having the conservatorship officially removed.
The She’s The Man actor was first detained in July 2013 after she allegedly started a small fire in a stranger’s driveway. She was hospitalised for 72 hours, during which her parents filed for conservatorship.
The conservatorship has been continued a number of times since, most recently in September 2021 for another two years, at the request of Bynes’s conservator and mother Lynn.
Bynes’s lawyer David A Esquibias said that his client is “excited” after Judge Lund’s ruling.
“We’re all excited and we’re all anxiously looking forward to Amanda living a life as a private and normal citizen,” he told Variety.
Bynes’ fans have expressed joy over the ruling, with one writing on Twitter: “Good for her! She can finally live her life how she wants. I wish her nothing but success.”

“Happy Amanda Bynes day to those who observe,” another wrote.
Bynes began her career as a child actor on kids’ channel Nickelodeon, where she starred in her own series The Amanda Show from 1999 to 2002.
She went on to star in a number of high-profile teen movies, including Big Fat Liar, What A Girl Wants, Sidney White and Easy A.