It was a long time coming, but Am I Being Unreasonable? season 2 was more than worth the wait - if you've already binged it like us, let's take a deep dive into that ending.
Back in 2022, Daisy May Cooper and Selin Hizli's Am I Being Unreasonable? dropped on BBC One and was a genre-less runaway success. The duo both created the series and wrote the incredible script, and purposely didn't want the show to fall into any one category. What you'll find is a careful balance of element including thriller, horror, comedy, murder mystery, and a love story - even if that love is mostly Jen trying to protect Nic in all the wrong ways.
The ending of the first season brought the shocks and twists coming thick and fast, and season 2 didn't let us down - it was a truly edge-of-your-seat absolute ride, and we were there for every moment of the action. Let's break down everything that happened in the Am I Being Unreasonable? gripping season 2 finale, and find out what's happening with a potential season 3.
Am I Being Unreasonable? season 2 ending explained
During the season 2 finale, Mrs Baggot (Georgie Glen) dies, and Jen, Nic and Lucy rush to organise her funeral - RIP Mrs Baggot and the comedy she brought to the series with Denise Black as her hard drinking, Magic Mike loving sidekick, Daphne.
As soon as Nic finds out Mrs Baggot has passed away, Ollie immediately suggests Jen killed her, as "That's what a psychopath would do," meaning Jen would stoop as low as murder in order to reconnect with Nic with whom she's had a huge falling out.
As it turns out, Ollie's hit the nail on the head - a flashback reveals Jen really did murder poor Mrs Baggot by smothering her with a pillow as she slept in the caravan she's been letting Jen live in.

Meanwhile, Suzie has been unable to let go of the suspicions she's had throughout the season that Nic knew more about Alex's death than she let on. One of the biggest narrative twists came during a flashback revealing Suzie didn't find out about Nic's affair with Alex at his memorial - Alex had already confessed a long time before this.
Suzie had actually driven Alex to the train station the night he died, to force him to end things with Nic. Viewers weren't made aware of this during season 1, and it appeared Alex had gone to the station to tell Nic he'd only ever had a relationship with her to hurt his brother, Dan, because he despised him and for no other reason.
The hurtful things he said to Nic about her needing to lose weight and being a terrible mum were all fuelled by Suzie - in the car on the way to the station she'd insisted that Alex didn't just break up with Nic, asserting he needed to make the breakup as painful as possible if she was going to forgive him.
Alex was reluctant to include any of the hateful comments in his parting speech to Nic, but in doing so he sealed his fate - Nic was so distraught at his words she deliberately trapped his coat between the train doors and did nothing to free him until it was too late, and he was left splatted against a tunnel.
Flashbacks also revealed Alex's feelings for Nic were stronger than he let on - he told Suzie Nic was one of the only people that didn't make him feel less of a person. While this doesn't exclude him from being a terrible human, it does considerably alter the way viewers perceive the awful way he died - it might not have happened if he was allowed to break things off with Nic his own way.

Nic hadn't told anyone the truth about Alex's death, except Jen. Viewers must've had their heads in their hands during this confession that happened midway through the season - Jen was up to her old tricks and despite promising Nic she wasn't recording the big reveal, she was of course recording it.
Jen had already teased the confession video's existence to Suzie, by accidentally or otherwise airdropping it to her. The perfect opportunity to see the video comes when Suzie is enlisted to babysit Ollie and Harry while the mums are at Mrs Baggot's funeral - Dan is supposed to be looking after them, but heads off for a booty call with the girl who works in the local shop instead - he hasn't changed after all then.

While babysitting, Suzie finds out the phone Harry's using is actually Jen's. Lightbulb moment - now is Suzie's perfect opportunity to find out exactly what Nic was confessing to Jen in the video she's seen a snippet of, and she grabs the phone from Harry and watches it in its entirety.
She isn't the only one to hear what's on the video - Ollie is also listening at the bottom of the stairs.
Back at the funeral, Nic's final moments of the finale aren't without horror. Having been haunted throughout the first season by the couple on the train who witnessed her murdering Alex, the same couple have spent time this season not just haunting Nic's dreams but actually getting together to discuss whether they should tell the police what they witnessed.
When the man from the couple, Sam, arrives at Mrs Baggot's funeral, Nic believes he is just another guilt-induced hallucination and tells him to go away (but in unprintable swear words.) A shocked Jen asks why Nic would speak like that to Mrs Baggot's grandson - Nic looks like like she doesn't have a clue what to do about this, and that's where her story ends for season 2.
Back at Nic's house Dan returns and Suzie is nowhere to be found, despite her car remaining on the drive and her phone on the table. Ollie insists he has no idea where she went, saying, "She'd forget her head if it wasn't screwed on. Women, eh?" Sooooo, is Suzie dead? Ollie has already murdered the family cat, Mr Meowgi, him turning to killing isn't exactly beyond the realms of plausibility.
Harry's mum is also a murderer and he could have similar tendencies. The pair could have worked together to get rid of Suzie because Ollie was so desperate to protect his mum whom he absolutely adores. Of course, we'll have to wait until season 3 to find out whether Suzie is dead or alive and what the entire finale means for everyone involved.

Will there be Am I Being Unreasonable season 3?
Great news, Am I Being Unreasonable? has already been commissioned for season 3 - we just hope we don't have to wait until 2027 for it...
Speaking on Firecrotch & Normcore: They Like To Watch television podcast hosted by comedian Sara Barron and her husband, Geoff Lloyd, Daisy confirmed the news. The actress said she hadn't considered having to write more than the initial six episodes. When it came to writing the second series, she said, "I'll just worry about the second series at the time. Which is the worst. They've even commissioned a third series."
Daisy described finding writing such a complex and densely plotted series a real challenge, likening finding the right storylines for season 2 to "pulling teeth." She and Selin Hizli had better get their heads together quickly in that case, because the public are waiting - and we need the next instalment of Am I Being Unreasonable? ASAP.