A heartbreaking discovery has been made in the aftermath of the devastating wildfires that have swept through Southern California. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s Office have confirmed that a bedridden Altadena resident, Carolyn Burns, has been identified as one of the victims of the deadly fires.
Carolyn Burns, 56, tragically passed away on January 10 at her home due to smoke inhalation and thermal injuries, as indicated in the report from the medical examiner’s office. She had been previously reported missing, sparking concerns for her well-being.
The missing person’s notice issued by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department highlighted the family's worries about Carolyn's safety, emphasizing the need for public assistance in locating her. Tragically, her fate was later revealed in the wake of the wildfires.
The wildfires have taken a heavy toll on the region, with at least 27 confirmed deaths reported by the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner. Of these fatalities, ten are linked to the Palisades Fire, while the remaining 17 are attributed to the Eaton Fire, according to the latest information from the medical examiner’s office.
Authorities stress that the full extent of the death toll remains uncertain until it is deemed safe for investigators to access the affected neighborhoods. Hazards such as downed power lines, gas leaks, and other dangers pose significant challenges to the investigative efforts, underscoring the complexity and risks involved in assessing the true impact of the wildfires.