ALMOST half of North Ayrshire Council tenants have fallen behind with rent payments.
Some 5460 tenants – 43.5% have arrears on their accounts in 2021-22. This is up just four percent from 2017-18.
However, 3791 (30.2%) have overpaid.
This figure has increased more than nine percent from 2017-18 and has gone up every year since then.
There are also 15,118 Council Tax accounts that currently have a debit balance on the 2021/22 financial year account.
By contrast, there are 2609 Council Tax accounts that currently have a credit balance on the 2021/22 financial year account.
North Ayrshire was the seventh highest performing local authority out of the 32 in Scotland for recycling household waste in the calendar year 2020.
The official data for the 2021 calendar year is expected to be published by SEPA in September 2022.
The number of bin carry liners bought by North Ayrshire Council has risen from 382,000 in 2018 to 519,300 last year.
Some 12,800 were used in schools and 506,500 in other buildings.
This compared with 362,540 in 2019 with the pandemic and an increase in staycations causing the increase.