Britain deserves a general election rather than a cosy stitch-up by the Conservative clique.
We the people should decide who is to be Prime Minister, not the less than 0.3% of the population who are in the tiny Tory Party.
Whoever those 200,000-or-so people appoint will have no mandate or authority to rule a land of more than 67 million.
Gordon Brown discovered this. Then Theresa May did.
Now Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak will too.
The 2019 Conservative manifesto was cherry-picked by Boris Johnson before Covid and then shredded after the pandemic.
Downing Street’s next Tory tenant will cling to high office to serve Conservative MPs, arrogant masters who treat ordinary people as servants of their governing party.
Britain needs a fresh direction and a Government issued clear orders by the country.
The Tories are wrong to defy democracy and treat politics as a private game.

Taxing issues
Behind the terrifying economic statistics we keep reading about are people and families struggling to make ends meet.
Poorer households have it even tougher because they spend a higher proportion of their incomes on food and fuel.
So people’s pain, after the Government’s disastrous decision to squeeze budgets by putting up tax, is real.
Nobody disputes Putin’s invasion of Ukraine fanned inflation but the Tories have been in power a dozen years and prices are climbing faster in Britain than in other G7 economies.
Workers are entitled to demand pay awards to protect living standards.
Deb’s our hero
Dame Deborah James’ husband and son were not alone in mourning the cancer awareness campaigner yesterday.
The country will never forget the great Briton to whom many will owe their lives thanks to her public battle and her fundraising.