Jake Meney
Australian Reptile Park’s head reptile keeper said in a new PSA video that the weather has caused a bit of a perfect storm for a very active slithery spring.
“The unusual amount of rain we’ve had means we could be in for a massive snake season,” he said.
“When it rains the activity of small mammals, other reptiles and birds can increase and this means snakes will likely be more active and on the hunt for food.
“The increase in temperature will also see snakes out and about looking for a mate as breeding season ramps up.”
Meney said big rain followed by sunny weather created “ideal conditions” for snakes and on very hot days they love to seek refuge in homes and backyards.
Good! Great! We simply love to see it!
The reptile expert said the best things you can do if you spot a snake are to remain calm and stay away from the snake to let it move on in its own time. Again, something your ex should probably do too.
So please keep an eye out when you’re getting out and about during a break in the rain because you’re not the only one soaking up the sunshine out there. Maybe mow and clean up the backyard before summer hits so there are no sneaky places for those scaly hiss puppies to hide.
The post All This Rain Is Likely Going To Create A ‘Massive Snake Season’ So Say Hi To Your Ex For Us appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .