The rising cost of living is continuing to stretch budgets across the UK, with warnings of more to come.
Energy bills are soaring, rents are increasing and inflation has reaching hitting record highs for months in a row.
Living standards are forecast to fall at their fastest page since the 1950s in response to the cost-of-living crisis, as wages fail to keep up with rocketing prices.
Poorer households are expected to be hardest-hit, while eldery people have reported having to choose between heating or food.
The government revealed more help this week to try and help households navigate the cost-of-living crisis.
Here is what is available at the moment to help easy the financial burden:
£150 council tax rebate
The council tax rebate is available to households living in properties in bands A to D.
Qualifying households are urged to make sure they are paying council tax by direct debit in order to get the money.
Otherwise, there is no need to apply as payments began going into peoples’ bank accounts in April.
Those eligible should have had the cash by now but some councils delayed payments until May. If you haven’t had the £150 as yet, you should contact your local council.
Earlier this year, councils warned criminals were cold-calling householders asking for bank details to receive this rebate, pretending this was the way the money was processed.
Cost of living: how to get help
The cost of living crisis has touched every corner of the UK, pushing families to the brink with rising food and fuel prices. The Independent has asked experts to explain small ways you can stretch your money, including managing debt and obtaining items for free.
If you need to access a food bank, find your local council’s website using gov.uk and then use the local authority’s site to locate your nearest centre. The Trussell Trust, which runs many foodbanks, has a similar tool.
Citizens Advice provides free help to people in need. The organisation can help you find grants or benefits, or advise on rent, debt and budgeting.
If you are experiencing feelings of distress and isolation, or are struggling to cope, The Samaritans offers support; you can speak to someone for free over the phone, in confidence, on 116 123 (UK and ROI), email jo@samaritans.org, or visit the Samaritans website to find details of your nearest branch.
£400 energy bill discount
The chancellor said on Thursday every household will receive a £400 energy bill discount as a cushion for soaring prices.
This will replace a planned £200 universial loan that was announced in February. It is now being doubled and turned into a grant, with customers no longer having to pay the money back.
Households will get the £400 energy discount from October. It will be paid directly to households across the UK.
£650 one-off payment to low-income households
This was another measure announced by Mr Sunak on Thursday to try and ease the cost-of-living crisis for the poorest in the UK.
The £650 grant applies to more than eight million households on benefits on Universal Credit, Tax Credits, Pension Credit, and legacy benefits.
There is no need to apply for it. Instead, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will pay the money straight into the bank accounts of those eligible.
It will be paid in two instalments. The first will be in July and the second later in the autumn.
£300 payment to pensioners
Mr Sunak announced a new one-off grant for pensioners during the cost-of-living crisis on Thursday as well.
Individuals will be eligible if they are over the state pension age - 66 years old or above - between 19 and 25 September this year.
Again, pensioners do not need to apply to receive the payment. It will be paid directly to them in November or December alongside the winter fuel payment.
They usually receive £200 to £300 to cover energy costs in winter, so this means they will get double the usual support.
£150 to individuals receiving disability benefits
This was another cost-of-living payment revealed by the chancellor this week.
The £150 grant will be paid to eligible individuals receiving disability benefits. These are:
- Disability Living Allowance
- Personal Independence Payment
- Attendance Allowance
- Scottish Disability Benefits
- Armed Forces Independence Payment
- Constant Attendance Allowance
- War Pension Mobility Supplement
As with all the new cost-of-living grants, there is no need to apply and the grant will be paid directly to those eligible.
This payment will be made by September.
The additional payments to low-income households, pensioners and those in receipt of disability benefits aim to give extra help to those considered the most vulnerable to the rising cost of living.