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“I was wrongly accused of touching someone one evening on their leg, neck, back and bottom,” he wrote.
“That led to six charges of sexual assault.”
“The only evidence against me was the individual’s account. However, CCTV footage obtained by the police contradicted their version of events,” he continued.
“Their partner was also present throughout the evening in question and gave a statement to the police which did not support the allegations against me.
“It’s been a difficult time for everyone involved and I’d like to thank the people who have helped me through it as well as my family and loved ones for their continued support.”
O’Connor was initially expected to appear back in court for trial on January 3 next year, which will no longer take place.
In July he cancelled his Australian Rex Orange County tour dates due to “unforeseen personal circumstances”. He told his fans that he will have to “spend some time at home this year” and will not be able to finish the tour.
The post All Six Sexual Assault Charges Against UK Singer Rex Orange County Have Been Dropped appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .