Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC version exclusives are a thing just like they are in every other mainline game. The Indigo Disk expansion brings dozens of critters from previous Pokemon games back, including regional variants such as Alolan Vulpix and even some new legendary Pokemon. As always, the only way to get a Pokemon from a version you don’t own is to trade for it, so if you have friends with a different version, consider offering them an exclusive trade for one of theirs.
All the Pokemon starters are in both versions, so you can get Squirtle, Fennekin, and all the rest no matter which version you’re playing.
Pokemon Scarlet DLC version exclusives

Scarlet‘s DLC exclusives include a new Entei form and a familiar fox.
- Alolan Vulpix
- Alolan Ninetails
- Cranidos
- Rampardos
- Gouging Fire
- Raging Bolt
Pokemon Violet DLC version exclusives

Meanwhile, Violet has some Alolan types of its own and a new Pokemon that looks a lot like Cobalion.
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Alolan Sandslash
- Shieldon
- Bastiodon
- Iron Boulder
- Iron Crown
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC version exclusive legendaries explained

Each version has exclusive Legendary Pokemon as well, though exclusivity works a bit differently for them. You encounter Legendary Pokemon while completing Blueberry Quests from Snacksworth after completing The Indigo Disk’s main story. BB quests come in solo and group varieties. If you do group quests, you can catch any Legendary Pokemon in any version. If you do solo quests, some Pokemon are locked to specific versions.
There are three you can get in either version by doing group or solo quests, though:
- Rayquaza
- Kyurem
- Necrozma
Pokemon Scarlet legendary exclusives

In Pokemon Scarlet‘s solo BB quests, you can expect to find:
- Raikou
- Entei
- Suicune
- Ho-Oh
- Latios
- Groudon
- Reshiram
- Solgaleo
- Glastrier
Pokemon Violet legendary exclusives

And Violet‘s solo quests will get you:
- Lugia
- Latias
- Kyogre
- Terrakion
- Cobalion
- Virizion
If you’re looking for more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet help, check out our guides on where to find Meloetta and how to deal with the Super Spicy Sandwich Trial.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF