KIDS in Newcastle had a boost to their school holidays when a playground upgrade was revealed on the weekend.
The community gathered to celebrate the opening of a play space at Adamstown Park on Sunday, April 21, which had been relocated and expanded by City of Newcastle.
Lord mayor Nuatali Nelmes said council was committed to bringing people together to keep active and build social connections in their neighbourhoods.
"We know how much our community values open spaces and their local playgrounds, which is why it is vital we continue to deliver our playground replacement program and other recreation projects, to ensure everyone has the opportunity to access quality facilities now and into the future," she said.
Chair of City of Newcastle's community and culture advisory committee Councillor Carol Duncan said it wasn't just parents that would benefit.
"We're catering for the recreation needs of teenagers and adults who visit this area of Adamstown Park, with a new basketball court expected to be completed in the coming weeks," she said.
The Adamstown project was in line with the Adamstown Park Masterplan, and part of City of Newcastle's $600,000 investment in four playgrounds.
Recreational areas at Stockton's Rawson Park and Waratah's Coolamin Reserve got new equipment, and Islington Park's playground had rubber softfall installed and a fresh coat of colour.
Progress is continuing on a $3 million play space at Hamilton's historic Gregson Park, which is due to be finished in October.