Benefits claimants are speaking out over not getting their second Government cost of living payment .
The Government is giving £650 this year to millions of households on certain means-tested benefits , to help with the rising cost of living.
The first payment, of £326, was made from July 14 to claimants who qualified for certain benefits on May 25, 2022.
But the second half, of £324, is still due. Many benefits claimants believed they would get this £324 payment from October 1.
But a Department for Work and Pensions spokesperson said: "We haven't confirmed when the second payment will be made yet. We’ll be keen to let people know clearly and widely when there is a date to announce."

The Government unveiled several different pots of cash for people struggling with the cost of living crisis.
This is everything you need to know about what cash is still due - and when you'll get it.
£324 cost of living payment
The Government has said this will be made in the Autumn, but has not set a date.
However, that only applies to people claiming the following benefits:
If you get the following benefits, you will get these cost of living payments later:
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
People claiming these benefits started getting the first half of the £650 in September , and will get the second payment in the winter.
This is because many tax credits claimants are being swapped over to Universal Credit, and the Government wanted to avoid paying people £650 twice in error.
What about if I get Housing Benefit?
Housing Benefit is means tested, but these claimants are not eligible for the £650 payment.
This is because if you only get Housing Benefit, the Government cannot track you down to give you the £650.
If you get Housing Benefit and one of the above benefits, you are due the £650.
The Government said people who claim Housing Benefit and are struggling with the cost of living should access the Household Support Fund through their local council.
The Household Support Fund is a pot of Government cash being handed out by local authorities.
You will need to apply for it, and can get cash or vouchers depending on your area.
£400 energy bill discount
Millions of households will get a £400 energy discount from October, split over several months.
A discount of £66 will be applied to energy bills from next week in October and November, going up to £67 each month from December through to March 2023.
Households will get a discount worth £66 in October and November, rising to £67 each month from December through to March 2023.
Direct debit customers will receive the energy bill discount automatically - meaning you don't need to do anything to get the money off.
The cash will be applied either as a deduction to your monthly direct debit, or as a refund to your bank account after your direct debit has been taken.
If you don't pay by direct debit, the discount will be applied as a credit to your energy account each month.
The credit should appear as if you'd made a payment to your energy bill.
Customers who use a smart prepayment meter will see the energy bill discount credited directly to their meter in the first week of each month of delivery.
Prepayment meter customers will be given discount vouchers or Special Action Messages (SAMs) in the first week of each month, issued via text, email or post.
Customers will need to redeem these at their usual top-up point.
£300 pensioner cost of living payment
If you’re entitled to the Winter Fuel Payment, you will get an extra £300 in November and December 2022.
That is due to a one-off 'pensioner cost of living payment'.
The full amount of Winter Fuel Payment you will get for winter 2022 to 2023 depends on your circumstances.
To get Winter Fuel Payment, you must be born on, or before, September 25 1956, though people born on the same date in 1942 or before will get slightly more.
You must also be resident in the UK in what is known as "qualifying week", which this year is the week commencing September 19.
£150 disability cost of living payment
You get a lump sum payment of £150 if you’re getting any of the following disability benefits:
- Attendance Allowance
- Constant Attendance Allowance
- Disability Living Allowance for adults
- Disability Living Allowance for children
- Personal Independence Payment
- Adult Disability Payment (in Scotland)
- Child Disability Payment (in Scotland)
- Armed Forces Independence Payment
- War Pension Mobility Supplement
The qualifying rules are the same as the other benefits.
The £150 disability cost of living payment started hitting claimants' bank accounts from September 20, 2022.
Most people will get their payment by the beginning of October 2022, the Government has said.