Alison Hammond has been heaped with praise after her kind and moving words to a tearful This Morning caller struggling with their body image.
Emotional Elaine phoned up the day time show and shared that she feels too embarrassed to go to the beach over fears that people will stare and make mean comments about her legs.
The viewer says she was battling with Lymphoedema, a long-term chronic condition that causes swelling in the body's tissues.
Alison comforted Elaine with an incredible speech about body confidence, as she also admitted her own issues and how she tries to combat them.
In floods of tears by the sweet words, Elaine went on to tell the ITV star that she was her inspiration in moving scenes.

After Elaine shared her insecurities, Alison told her: "I know exactly how you're feeling but you can do this, you can be strong.
The caller said: "You always look lovely Alison, I admire you."
The presenter told her: "Thank you, but I have insecurities too. I feel like you do as well.
"It's not all perfect, what you see on TV. I don't like taking my jacket off," she admitted, revealing that she always has her arms covered on screen.
"But you've got to enjoy your life as before you know it we're not here," Alison encouraged her.
"Your legs are beautiful," she added.

"I go to the gym and people are staring at me. But that's all that happens, then they're going to worry about what's going on in their lives."
She signed off with: "Get those legs out, babes!"
Viewers were quick to praise her for her candid comments.
One wrote on twitter: "Alison Hammond so good on body positivity".
Last year, the popular presenter broke down after being touched by a call from a mum whose daughter is struggling with her weight.

Speaking about the segment, Alison said: "Can I just say something? Obviously I've had - I'm getting upset - I've had obesity my whole life. And what it is, is your regulation system is out of whack. So obviously, you can't control wanting to eat all the time."
"And I think what a lot of people don't realise, is obesity is a disease. You can't help wanting to eat all the time," she added as she broke down in tears.
She was comforted by Dermot O'Leary and Deirdre as she added: "Sorry, I get - sorry.
"Because I think people look down at people just because they're so big and they can't actually help it if they've got a disease. When you're in it, it's difficult. You want to eat and you want all the bad things and you know you don't look right."
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