An alien hunter has released footage of a "flying object" taken at where he claims to be a " UFO hotspot" in the UK.
Russ Kellett, 58, shot the video of a dolphin-shaped article - which some believe to be a helium balloon - over Filey in North Yorkshire.
The UFO investigator also claims to have filmed a "flying man" heading towards Halifax and said his friend once witnessed a "flying saucer" land near the GCHQ spy base in 2010.
Referring to his latest footage, Mr Kellett told Yorkshire Live : "If it was a helium balloon you would see the tether.

"People have said they have seen other crafts in the shape of a dolphin. When I put (the footage) out someone said it was a balloon."
On whether he thought it was an alien craft, he said: "Yeah, it's got to be."
Mr Kellett, who has been working alongside documentary makers, said it is apparent that North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire are hotspots for UFO sightings.
Speaking on the "flying man" video, he added: "It's like nothing I have ever seen in my life. It was going towards Halifax. It came down around that area. People call it the 'flying man'.

"West Yorkshire and the east coast have got all sorts going on."
Mr Kellett first hit the headlines two years ago when he claimed to have seen Robbie Williams aboard a spaceship in 1999, saying the singer was part of a "military unit".
He did not deny the story but made no comment, reported the Daily Star.
The alien hunter said last year that his first alleged encounter happened when he was aged four, with a man wearing what appeared to be a "space suit and helmet" in the garden of his family home in Bradford.

Mr Kellett, who claims to have been abducted "at least 60 times" from the age of 16, said: "He was walking in my garden - I could not believe it. I waved and he put his hand up.
"There was a silver object which I thought was a dustbin. He walked behind this silver object and the next thing it juddered and went up. I thought 'what the heck is this.'"
His comments come as he releases a tell-all book named 'Russell Kellett is E.T. Rider', documenting his alleged encounters and abductions by aliens.