Alexandria’s Post Office and shop could be forced to shut because roadworks linked to a town centre revamp have “killed footfall”.
Owner Zunair Butt said he is working two jobs to make ends meet and faces having to close for good if the council don’t step in to help.
The Main Street business is one of a number hit hard by the work.
As part of a £12million masterplan to transform the Vale, the iconic Smollett Fountain is currently undergoing restoration, Main Street is being reprofiled and the eyesore Mitchell Way shopping precinct is being demolished.
It is expected that the works, which got underway in May, will remain in place until November.
Traders in the Vale had previously expressed concerns about a lack of support and the impact of roadworks on local businesses, warning “there is a real risk that there won’t be a town centre after this refurbishment”.
West Dunbartonshire Council says that it has taken steps to minimise the impact on traders.
However, last month the Labour administration voted against a Community Party motion, backed by the SNP, for universal rent abatements for small businesses in Alexandria.

Zunair, who runs the Lifestyle Express store and Post Office, told the Lennox: “I’m trying to keep the business open as it’s my family’s livelihood and I’m struggling at the moment.
“The council don’t help anyone and it’s been like this since I took the business on.
“The roadworks have absolutely killed my footfall. I’m having to work two jobs to pay my bills at the moment.”
Sian Wilkie of Alexandria Traders Association, previously warned of the dire situation facing small businesses.
She said this week: “Things are getting very desperate just now.
“I really don’t understand why the council is taking so long to take action.
“They are trying to act like a more comprehensive support package was coming, we have seen nothing.
“There is a real risk that there won’t be a town centre after this refurbishment.”

Cathy Greig of the Vale of Leven Credit Union on Bank Street added that two-thirds of their customers are now online, diverting money away from the High Street.
She said: “Anything that causes a wee bit of aggravation when trying to get into the premises in Alexandria normally causes another wee influx of people going online.
“We first noticed it when they took Creuval Court down. The traffic was chaos.
“We had the start of people saying they’d set up a standing order or get in touch by email.
“That only went on for a few weeks. This has been going on for five months.”
Whilst Community Party member Jim Bollan took aim at West Dunbartonshire’s Labour group for voting against rent abatement proposals.
At a full meeting of West Dunbartonshire Council last month, Councillor Bollan submitted a motion calling on rent to be suspended for family businesses for the 26-week duration of works.
However, his motion was defeated, with Labour instead saying
that they will focus on more targeted help.
Councillor Bollan said: “It’s devastating news that the main Post Office in Alexandria is to shut.
“Labour have been in office for two months, but believe they are already the fountain of all knowledge and have all the answers.
“The rent abatement the Community Party called for needs to be implemented urgently to try and save the Post Office and other small shops on the brink of closure.”
Damon Scott, chief executive, of Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “This is an incredibly worrying situation that the local businesses are being faced with and they need all the support they can get from partners as well as the local community.
“The call from the traders for a comprehensive range of support is still the same as it was but those measures are becoming even more urgent and critical – otherwise some of these businesses simply won’t survive.
“Whilst a significant rent rebate may go some way to helping those in council-owned buildings the privately owned premises are crying out for action to help them save their businesses.
“The Chamber will continue the Loves Local campaign activity to highlight some of the wonderful local businesses we have in the area and to push the traders’ association Save Alexandria – Shop Local message but we recognise the call to ‘use them or lose them’ isn’t enough on its
A spokeswoman for WDC said: “Extensive consultations were held with traders prior to works starting and we have taken steps to minimise impact including by installing clear signage advising businesses are open as normal.
“We are committed to making positive changes in Alexandria for the benefit of all residents, and when complete this project will improve pedestrian and cyclist safety and create an attractive and welcoming town centre, celebrating the B-listed Smollett Fountain as the Heart of the Vale.”