The site of Alexandria’s Citizens Advice Bureau could be sold off to allow Aldi to increase their car park.
Councillors will be asked to make a decision on the proposals at a meeting of WDC’s infrastructure, regeneration and economic development (IRED) committee tomorrow (Wednesday) - with officers recommending the plans are approved.
We reported last week how the CAB in Alexandria would close, with the move described as “a huge blow” by the Community Party’s Jim Bollan.
However, Joe McCormack of West Dunbartonshire’s CAB said the decision is “not about closing down our advice but relocating it” following a drop in, in-person demand for their services.
The group’s offices could now be sold off and demolished, with council officials recommending accepting an offer of £175,000 from Aldi for the land at 77 Bank Street.
Currently, the CAB pays an annual rent of £18,250 for the offices.

A report says: “It is recommended that the committee approve the disposal of the site to Aldi UK Ltd for the sum of £175,000.
“The office property and associated car park at 77 Bank Street, Alexandria is currently let to the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) at a rental of £18,250 per annum on a lease which expires on April 30 2023.
“The tenant, CAB, has informed us that they wish to vacate the property as soon as possible. The premises have been significantly under-utilised over the past couple of years and with reduced funding and increased costs, the trustees of CAB have taken the decision that they should vacate the premises as soon as possible.
“We advised CAB that given the income from 77 Bank Street has been allowed for in the council’s budget projections, we cannot simply allow them to walk away from their lease obligations. We advised, however, that if we could find a replacement tenant or buyer for the property before April 2023 this is something we could consider.
“Aldi UK Ltd own the adjacent property at 80 Bank Street and had previously enquired whether the council would be willing to sell the 77 Bank Street in order to allow them to expand their car parking.”
The report adds that the property is not required by the council for any operational purposes and that the offer from Aldi is not conditional on planning but will be conditional on a factor which could impact its market value.
It concludes: “The proposed deal allows the CAB to be relieved of their financial liabilities early and provide the council with substantial capital receipt.”