Hey, remember that time in the late 1990s when Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez posed with other star shortstops without shirts and with gold chains?
If you don’t: It was a Sports Illustrated shot from the famous Walter Iooss Jr., who snapped Jeter, Rodriguez, Edgar Renteria, Alex Gonzalez and Rey Ordonez, all topless, all looking kind of awkward. It became a punchline, and rightfully so.
Well, on Sunday night, during the ESPN Sunday Night Baseball alternative broadcast known as KayRod, producers brought up the photo on screen while Jeter visited with Rodriguez and Michael Kay, and wow, it was hilariously awkward:
Here it is
Kudos to #KayRod producer Joe McCoy for not letting Derek Jeter bully him into not showing the infamous shirtless shortstops photo. pic.twitter.com/61KMdXZfZd
— Ian Casselberry (@iancass) August 15, 2022
They also talked about squashing any beef they’ve had:
love that A-Rod and Jeter have genuinely moved past their differences pic.twitter.com/EoM2amzrea
— Talkin' Yanks (@TalkinYanks) August 15, 2022
People had jokes about their appearance
Derek Jeter staring off into space while A-Rod tells a stupid story is what I imagined about a decade of Yankee flights were like pic.twitter.com/mYhppb2Oo2
— Pinstripe Alley (@pinstripealley) August 15, 2022
Every time ARod touches Jeter’s shoulder or leg…#KayRod #Espn #Yankees pic.twitter.com/8w7gONX3Re
— Fred (@FreddyTweetz) August 15, 2022
their reactions say so much lmao pic.twitter.com/M8n1vPwUsM
— liv (@kreidtastrophe) August 15, 2022
i really don’t know how people liked Arod over Jeter, it makes no sense to me pic.twitter.com/ZSsPSsY7mu
— 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐄 (@FrankiesTwoLoud) August 15, 2022