THE man who murdered six-year-old schoolgirl Alesha MacPhail has been taken to hospital after being beaten by another prisoner.
Aaron Campbell was attacked by a fellow convict on Wednesday after the door to his cell at Polmont Young Offenders was left briefly open.
The attack left Campbell's "front tooth through his lip", with his attacker dragged off him by prison wardens, according to The Sun.
Speaking of the attack, Alesha’s great-grandad George Lochrane said: “I hope he’s in pain. I hope he’s suffering.
“The only thing I’m sorry about is that I didn’t get to do it myself.”
A prison source told The Sun: “Everyone in here is happy, staff have been making sly comments that he deserved it.
“He’s normally kept apart from everyone in here as everyone wants to hang him.
“They would kill him if they could because of what he did to that wee girl.
“But there was a brief chance to get at him and the boy took it. He could get a serious assault charge against him but he’s not bothered, he says it was worth it.”
A Scottish Prison Service spokeswoman said: “We do not comment on individual prisoners.”
20-year-old Campbell snatched Alesha from her bed in July 2018 while she was on holiday visiting family on the Isle of Bute.
He then raped and brutally murdered the young girl before dumping her body.
Campbell was convicted of abduction, rape and murder in February 2019 and sentenced to 27 years in prison, although this was later cut to 24 years following an appeal.
Upon sentencing the killer, presiding judge Lord Matthews stated that he "could not think of a crime in recent times that has attracted such revulsion", branding Campbell a “cold, callous, calculating, remorseless and dangerous” individual.
The judge added that Campbell was unlikely to ever be released unless "a lot of work” was done to change him.