Alarm bells are ringing over the future of Castle Douglas Swimming Pool.
It is scheduled to reopen following the coronavirus shutdown, but a report to the council highlighted the need for a £500,000 upgrade.
And that triggered concerns amongst local members.
Councillor John Young questioned the need for including the upgrade costs when the agenda item was about reopening the region’s leisure facilities.
And he also took issue with the claim that the Stewartry currently has an “over provision” of pools due to the charity-run facility in Kirkcudbright.
Mr Young told Thursday’s full council meeting: “Although I have been assured Castle Douglas swimming pool will open with reduced capacity, I still question why the need for a £500,000 upgrade has been highlighted here and, in particular, the implication Castle Douglas people can simply use the pool at Kirkcudbright.
“Kirkcudbright swimming pool is not a council-run facility. I am perhaps being a bit flippant.
“I suppose it is a bit like stating: ‘Lets not spend £20million upgrading DG1, I’m sure the Dumfries folk can just use the facilities at Bannatyne’s gym’.
“I would like to assure the people of Castle Douglas I’ll do my utmost for this upgrade of the swimming pool to go ahead and for Castle Douglas swimming pool to remain open.”
Afterwards, the SNP member said he had cross-party support from Labour, Conservative and independent representatives, including fellow Castle Douglas and Crocketford councillor Iain Howie, for keeping the pool open.
Mr Young said: “So far we’ve only been told by council officers that £500,000 is needed to upgrade Castle Douglas Swimming Pool but no details.
“If a full upgrade modernises this facility with proper ventilation, filtration and electrical systems then that’s money well spent as at the moment the windows don’t even open at the pool.
“If this upgrade is just a short term fix then the council must also consider a new modern facility which is properly insulated and energy efficient.”
Councillor Howie, who is an independent member, added: “In the first instance I should emphasise that to date no recommendation to close the pool has been put to councillors and when the subject was raised at last week’s full council meeting there was little evidence of support.
“However, if such a recommendation is made I would consider it an affront to the Castle Douglas community as the amount in question pales into insignificance when compared to the vast sums spent on the provision of leisure facilities in Dumfries further demonstrating a centralist agenda by senior management.”
He added: “When district councils were abolished in favour of a single unitary authority, assurances were given that there would be equity of spend across the region.
“If Castle Douglas pool were to close it would clearly demonstrate that this is not the case and that those of us living outside Dumfries should expect inferior services despite making identical contributions in council tax which is unacceptable.”
The report for Thursday’s meeting was written by Richard Grieveson, the chief officer of the local authority’s Response, Review, Recovery programme.
In response to Councillor Young’s concerns, Mr Grieveson told the meeting: “The paragraph is inserted in the context of recognising the significant increase in financial challenges and the fact we will need to undertake a very detailed assessment of provision across the region.
The council is aiming to have the Castle Douglas pool open again on Monday, September 14.