Actress Anila Kharbanda got engaged on April 10 to her long-time boyfriend Pratik Garg, who’s also an actor. The two tied the knot on July 8 in Kashmir. It was one of the most memorable experiences of her life, says Anila. But it did have its share of problems. She says, “Just one week before our big day, the wedding planner opted out, the venue was sealed and there was a red alert by the weather department for heavy rains. It was so chaotic but eventually everything fell into place. We managed things on our own. It was more difficult because I was still in my hometown Delhi.”
Talking about her wedding, Anila says, “I made an entry as a bride on a shikara (boat) and everything was grand and beautiful. Even though there was chaos before the wedding, the wedding day was unforgettable. I am in Raipur (Chhattisgarh) with his family, now. They have made me feel very comfortable. For our honeymoon, we will be going to Europe.”
Anila was last seen in the TV show Ek Anokhi Rakshak Naagkanya and has also been part of shows like Aladdin and Vighnaharta Ganesh. The actress is not in a hurry to start work. “I shot for a film some time ago and for at least six months now, I won’t return to work. I want to enjoy my married life for a while,” she says.