Actor Akshay Kumar, who is currently promoting his upcoming period drama Kesari, visited a BSF camp as part of the promotional tour and was defeated by a woman officer in a mock fight. Akshay shared a video of the duel on his Facebook stories.
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In the video, Akshay is surrounded by BSF jawans. He starts a mock fight with a woman as Kesari song Ajj Singh Garjega plays in the background. The action star begins with some smart tricks but is soon pinned to the ground by the officer; the two later hugged as the video ends.
Akshay also shared a video of a mock boxing duel with another BSF woman officer on Instagram and wrote, “Always a treat to meet the Jawans from @bsf_india. Their training, passion and enthusiasm is top-notch, always a learning experience.”
As part of his support for the defence forces, Akshay Kumar conceptualised Bharat Ke Veer - a website by the Government of India that was launched on April 9. Bharat Ke Veer allows anyone to make direct monetary donations to the families of martyred Indian soldiers from paramilitary.
Directed by Anurag Sinha, Kesari stars Parineeti Chopra opposite Akshay Kumar. It is the story of Battle of Saragarhi, fought in September 1897 between the British Indian army’s Sikh regiment and Afghan tribesmen. The British Indian contingent, comprising 21 Sikh soldiers, was attacked by around 10,000 Afghans. The battle is considered to be one of history’s greatest last-stands. The film will hit theatres on March 21.
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First Published: Mar 20, 2019 10:29 IST