It never feels good to experience a parent’s favoritism towards your siblings. Not only does it make you feel less loved, but it may also make you question the authenticity of their actions.
This woman went through this irksome episode with her mother, who was planning a vacation. She later discovered that her mom fully paid for the trip for her siblings and their friends while she was asked to shoulder her own expenses.
She refused to let the issue slide, which caused a rift within the family. Read the entire story below.
A woman recently got into a feud with her mother because of parental favoritism

Image credits: karlyukav (not the actual photo)
According to the author, the mom offered to pay for the vacation of her siblings and their friends but wouldn’t do the same for her

Image credits: benzoix (not the actual photo)
She confronted her mother about it, only to be ignored

Image credits: ApartContribution573
Parental favoritism may have a long-lasting effect on sibling relationships
The author didn’t clarify her relationship with her siblings. However, that dynamic may become problematic if their mom favors her brother and sister more.
According to statistics from the Institute of Family Studies, 42% of Americans expressed dissatisfaction with their sibling relationships as adults upon learning that their parents played favorites.
Studies have noted that parental favoritism hurts the child’s self-esteem, as they may feel less loved. According to holistic health practitioner Dr. Partha Nandi, MD, mothers who withhold affection in any form may affect their child’s emotional and psychological development.
Dr. Nandi adds that women who grow up feeling unloved by their mothers may find it difficult to trust others and rely on themselves excessively. They may also sabotage their relationships through emotional detachment or adopt a perfectionist and controlling approach.
“These behaviors serve as both protective mechanisms and barriers to fulfilling relationships and personal growth,” Dr. Nandi wrote in an article for his website.
A parent’s unfair treatment must be communicated to them
According to psychologist Dr. Carl Pickhardt, it is not a parent’s intention to play favorites. Mostly, they are likely unaware that they are showing biases.
In such cases, the affected child must voice their concerns. However, there is a proper way to do it and ensure their sentiments are heard.
According to clinical psychologist Dr. Laurie Kramer, checking in with the parent before expressing your grievance is necessary to clearly explain why you’re raising the issue at hand.
In her interview with Well and Good, she suggested saying something like, “I want to talk about something that’s difficult for me, and I want you to listen before you talk.”
The author did exactly that when she confronted her mother about the unfairness she felt. The situation may have been tense, but she got her message across, which is the important thing.
The woman answered some commenter questions

Most readers sided with her


Image credits: kroshka__nastya (not the actual photo)
After a few more heated moments, the family eventually found a compromise

Image credits: ApartContribution573
Daughter Who Helps Out the Most Gets Left Behind As Mom Pays For Everyone Else’s Vacation Bored Panda