At the 70th Cannes Film Festival, actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan walked the red carpet with fairytale-inspired glamour. In a powder blue gown by Dubai-based designer Michael Cinco, the 43-year-old served up a big dose of sartorial drama, styled by Aastha Sharma and Rean Moradian. From Cinderella to Frozen’s Elsa, a number of fairytale characters appeared to have been channelled by Ash, according to comparisons drawn by social network users.
For designers, the look was a complete triumph. Designer Manish Malhotra puts it succinctly: “She looks spectacular! It’s different, an absolute fresh take on fashion.” For designer Ritu Beri, the actor’s confidence makes the look a winner. “It’s dramatic, adventurous and only Aishwarya can carry it superbly. She looks amazing, and it’s a great pick for a place like Cannes, where you can risk being dramatic,” she says.
For designer Nikhil Mehra, it’s all about the finishing touches. “This look is quite something — she looks beautiful, the colour is perfect for summer, as is the hair and makeup,” he says.
Designer Anupama Dayal sums it up: “She basically looks like a fairytale princess, and encapsulates the fantastical mood of the moment. There’s a form of enchantment attached to the look.”