An airport has said sorry after a baby changing room was dubbed a 'health hazard'. A mum travelling with her 18-month-old son found the area piled high with dirty nappies.
A bin was overflowing at the facility at Dublin Airport with rubbish dumped on top and around it on the ground. Mum Katie Elliott, from Northumberland, was so disgusted she took photographs of the area at gate 110 in Terminal 1 at 8.30am.
But after they were then posted on Twitter by her mother-in-law the airport responded with a new picture of the area, now freshly cleaned. It also apologised, reports Dublin Live.
The airport responded after mother-in-law Veron Elliott posted the images online to notify the airport of the mess. She told them it was "unhygienic and a health and safety hazard".
It apologised and said it has asked its "cleaning partners" to keep a closer eye on all the toilet facilities to ensure it did not happen again. The airport spokesman Graeme McQueen told Dublin Live that they "moved swiftly" to ensure the toilet was cleaned after seeing the images on social media.
He said: "We were disappointed to see the pictures posted on Twitter this morning. We moved swiftly to contact our cleaning operator and ensured that the toilet in question was cleaned as a matter of urgency.
"One side-effect of having passengers arrive earlier for flights currently is that they are spending longer in the terminal before flying, which in turn increases the amount of pressure on our facilities, including toilets. We continue to work closely with our cleaning partners to ensure that the required level of cleaning and maintenance is taking place in the terminals as the airport gets busier once again following the pandemic."
It emerged last week that some Dublin Airport cleaning staff had been moved from their roles to work airside at security as they had the correct passes to do so. Mr McQueen said on RTE Radio One last Friday that there is a "plan in place" to rectify issues with cleanliness at the airport.

"Those comments have been coming in every week," he said. "I think people have had to be moved from cleaning and areas like that. These people would have the required passes to work airside so at the moment they're very valuable at security.
"Our number one priority at the moment is, and we want to apologise for this, to get people on their flights. That's the number one thing we're looking to do.
"The airport maybe isn't as clean as it would be at the moment but there's a plan in place to correct that over the coming days and weeks. So hopefully anyone flying anytime soon will see us getting back up to the standards that we would expect from ourselves and that they would expect from us as well."
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