Ainsley Harriott rushed to save a woman from drowning after she fell into a pond at the Chelsea Flower Show.
The TV chef was photographed lifting the woman out of the water on Monday afternoon alongside a group of celebrities, including DIY SOS host Nick Knowles.
Ainsley grabbed on to the woman and pulled her up as she slipped into the narrow water feature.
He was seen checking on the visitor with other passers-by as she lay on the ground next to the pond feature in the grounds of Chelsea Hospital.
She was handed over to paramedics after being pulled from the water, writes the Mirror.
Onlookers were shocked as they watched the event unfold, with Ainsley and others rushing to save her.

The woman ingested a large amount of water and had to be pulled out of the pond by the celebs, who were at the Our Green Planet and RHS Bee Garden exhibit.
Nick stood at the sidelines looking concerned with his new girlfriend Katie Dadzie.
One guest who attended the show explained what had happened.
They told The Sun: "The garden was packed with lots of people and I think the woman must have fallen into the pond or tripped over and ended up in the water.
"I think she nearly drowned. She was pulled out by Ainsley Harriott and some other celebrities before they laid her down on the floor. She was coughing up lots of water."
Matt Peskett, an RHS volunteer who saw the accident, said they will now have to place barriers around the feature to avoid similar incidents in the coming days.
He told The Telegraph that he was scheduled to show visitors around the garden during the public opening on Tuesday, but now officials have put barriers in place which could limit the tours.
Mr Peskett explained: "There were 30 or 40 celebs out and they were all drinking champagne. And then all of a sudden one of the guests stepped backwards and fell in. They fully fell in, not just a foot.
"I hope they don't keep it like this tomorrow - it would be a shame."
59-year-old DIY SOS star Knowles was smart-casual for his day at the gardening festival – arriving in a baby blue sports jacket, a dark, open-neck shirt, white trousers, and tan coloured shoes.
The star's girlfriend, 32, looked summer ready in a delightful light blue floral print dress, strappy heeled sandals, and a chic cream coloured cardi-coat.
Father-of-four Nick has previously defended his girlfriend after vicious online trolls branded her a gold digger after noting the 27-year age gap between the pair.
Rounding on the online bullies, Nick warned he would not stand by and allow them to take shots at “people I care about.”
He told The Sun earlier this month: “I choose to be on TV. As a result, I expect the whole nine yards. I am up there as an object. I’ve chosen to be on TV but my children, or my family, or people I date, for them I feel it’s unfair to have a go at them.
“What upset was the judgment of her without knowing anything about her. Or what her motivations might be. I found that upsetting and unfair and felt I needed to say something about it.
“By all means have a go at me, I’m there to be shot at verbally on social media and the rest of it because of what I’ve chosen to do as a living.”
The Chelsea Flower Show will be on from Tuesday, May 24 until Saturday, May 28.
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