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Mark Minevich, Contributor

AI Visionary And Leader Dr. Jane Pinelis Of The U.S. Department Of Defense

My Conversation with one of the most influential, inspirational and brilliant minds who is the embodiment of the American Dream

Dr. Jane Pinelis is the Chief of AI Assurance at the Department of Defense Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) DR. JANE PINELIS

As part of my 10-Part Series of The 9 Inspirational Women Leaders In AI Shaping The 21st Century, I was honored to interview Dr. Jane Pinelis, the Chief of AI Assurance at the Department of Defense Joint Artificial Intelligence Center. Dr. Pinelis leads a diverse team of testers and analysts in rigorous test and evaluation (T&E) for JAIC capabilities and developing T&E-specific products and standards to support testing of AI-enabled systems across the DOD. She also leads the team responsible for instantiating Responsible AI principles into DOD practices.

Aviation Ordnanceman at the control desk of the Navy's forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), waters south of Japan, May 15, 2018. Image courtesy United States Department of Defense. (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images) Getty Images

How did your career begin in the Department of Defense, and your involvement specifically with artificial intelligence?

In the middle of tenth grade, my family immigrated to the United States from Russia. It immediately became clear to me, given the language barrier, that math would be my common (universal) language. Math was also something I could continue studying, not to mention a subject I had a leg up on because Russian schools' science and technical education are so robust.

I continued my math, economics, and sciences studies in college graduate school and ultimately got my Ph.D. in statistics, primarily because I thought that as someone with a bachelor's degree in statistics, I didn't feel like I knew enough to contribute in a big way to the real world. When you're an undergraduate-level statistician, there's just a lot left on the table still to learn!

My foray into the defense arena was a little bit unexpected. I went to the Joint Statistical Meetings as a statistician in graduate school. It was an annual conference with 6,000 statisticians in one location for a few days ; just imagine the fun!

But for us, it's fantastic; an excellent opportunity to present your work and network and participate in a job fair. And so, I talked to probably 14 companies over three days. The majority of them are in the financial and pharmaceutical industries, where a large number of statisticians work. However, one place that stood out to me was the Center for Naval Analysis. It's a think-tank for the Department of the Navy, and it immediately hit a very patriotic note with me. Having immigrated and lived in other places, my family was very grateful to this country for what it has done for us. At the same time, CNA also offered the opportunity to its researchers to do fieldwork. Not just sit in the office but to contextualize that work and team up with warfighters in the field. I've always viewed statistics as a tool, and without an application, it was less interesting to me, so this was an opportunity to learn an entirely new application. So, I went for it and stayed there for some time. It was a wonderful place to begin my career.

Eventually, through a series of opportunities, and with the help of some great mentors, I ended up at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHUAPL), a think-tank / university-affiliated research center for the Department of Defense, NASA, and other government organizations. Among other things, JHUAPL gave me this career-changing opportunity to work on Project Maven, the department's most significant investment – to that point - in AI. That was just a few years ago. And then, when General Shanahan, the founder of Maven, moved over to stand up the Department’s first-ever AI Center, the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC), he offered me the opportunity to work there, as well, so I've been here ever since.

Today, I still have a dual appointment: at the JAIC, where I am the Chief of AI Assurance, and at JHUAPL, where I am the Chief AI Engineer in the Applied Information Sciences branch. I am very grateful to JHUAPL for allowing me to serve the DoD in this way.

You analyzed the effectiveness of women in combat roles and wrote the book "Experiment of a lifetime." Can you share some of the major lessons you learned and what inspired you to write this book?

Absolutely. So, to back up a bit, in 2013, then-Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, rescinded the ban on women in combat. Previously, women were permitted in most DoD jobs, however, indirect ground combat occupations were still off-limits at the brigade level and below. So, there was a movement to remove that ban in favor of equal employment opportunity. This policy change had the potential to affect how Marines do their job and their combat effectiveness. The Marine Corps commissioned a large experiment to evaluate whether women's inclusion in these occupations would impact performance, injury rates, and other aspects of ground combat.

The Corps realized that they needed a statistician to help them design and execute this experiment because, as you can imagine, it was a highly polarizing issue. You've got combat effectiveness on the one hand and Marine Corps solid culture, and on the other hand, you have equal opportunity, about which many people are equally passionate. They reached out to CNA, which nominated me for the job. I ended up collaborating with the Science Advisor at the Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity to plan the experiment, called the Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force GCEITF.

And at the end of the day, the answer had to be underpinned by operational realism and science and rigorous experimental design, which happens to be my background. So, I got this fantastic opportunity to be part of GCEITF. We designed, conducted, and analyzed an extremely statistically rigorous experiment on the effect of gender integration on highly physical tasks. We concluded that the Marine Corps was justified in asking for an exception to the policy. Throughout the experiment, we repeatedly witnessed that the gender-integrated teams did not perform as well on highly physical tasks as all-male teams; this was a very politically unpopular conclusion. This leads me to my first important lesson learned - your integrity as a scientist is everything, and for me, my integrity as a scientist is by far the most important thing that I bring to any job. There’s no room for compromise when it comes to scientific rigor.

I had ideas and hypotheses about how the experiment would turn out, the role of women, and what we would find. Many of these hypotheses were upset by what we found in the data and what I saw with my own eyes.

As you can imagine, a young female scientist shows up to lead a team of alpha-male Marines in a science experiment on gender integration. I'm sure people had diverse perspectives of what bias I might bring with me to the study. But over time, the Marines accepted me into that team because I was able to show them that I deeply cared about getting this right as a statistician. And that ended up being an essential feature of our experiment because we had to brief it to various audiences, all of whom were highly passionate about the outcome and fell out on one side or the other.

Another vital lesson was the importance of operational context and teamwork. Statistics, experimental design, and analysis techniques are tools in my toolbox. If I apply them outside of the context, if I don't merge the science with the art, if I'm not leveraging the expertise of the men and women in uniform, or other programmers or academics, then it's not going to be the best product.

The best analytical product is usually a result of leveraging everybody on your team for the skills they bring to the table, respectively; in the DOD, in particular, science without subject-matter expertise is not worth very much.

We're seeing the prevalence of AI adoption across the United States from different industries such as finance, pharmaceuticals, and health care diagnostics. Can you share what you're seeing from your perspective overall in the United States? What does it mean in terms of change agility and resilience in AI and AI adoption?

People increasingly trust this technology, but I think they're justifiably cautious about using it. We're still seeing silos in the department and many different pockets of excellence, but I believe we are slowly starting to converge. JAIC is becoming part of the CDAO, the Office of the Chief Digital and AI Officer. We're partnering with CDO, the chief data officer, a no-brainer, and DDS defense digital service.

Now we have this pathfinder organization that's a forcing function across the department to continue AI adoption; we can start emerging from our silos, working even more closely together, and strengthening the integration of data and analytics, creating digital solutions. Many of these collaborations were based on personal connections or coalitions of the willing. We're going to be in this final, very high-level organization in the department charged with forcing the AI adoption.

Can you share what it means for you to oversee AI tests and evaluation and responsible AI? What does it mean? And what's the great opportunity here? What's the responsibility that you feel you carry within this role?

Let me talk a bit about what AI assurance means. It's a somewhat newly defined term, and it was actually defined by our UK colleagues and has ever since been adopted here in the US. My team aims to provide justified confidence that our AI-enabled systems provide stakeholders with systems that meet requirements and support missions through ethical action.

Let me delve into all of those terms:

First, we have justified confidence. This is a term we're using to go beyond what many people call trust because if you look up trust, It has hundreds of definitions. We want to provide justified confidence in AI-enabled systems, which is something we can measure and calibrate.

We also have a variety of stakeholders that need different assurance levels, arguments, and evidence, and that's what the AI assurance framework allows us to do. It will enable us to identify those stakeholders and tailor our arguments and evidence accordingly.

For instance, to have justified confidence in the system, the warfighter may need some knowledge about where it works, where it might break down, how it works in the dark versus when it's light outside.

An acquisitions professional needs an entirely different justified confidence model. They need to know that we're spending our money wisely; to understand that the system we're about to buy has some return on investment.

Then we have our international allies. They may need to be assured that the system will be used ethically and won't cause any major disasters or result in other unintended consequences.

Then, when we discuss meeting requirements, that's the role that developmental tests and evaluation have traditionally played in the DOD. This is where we test each system component when we measure part reliability or rates at which data – that's usually something that the Services traditionally do, with oversight from the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation. The idea here is that somebody needs to test a realistic system representation in its proper operational environment in a mission context. Does the system accomplish the mission or not? And how much does it help achieve the mission? Is it suitable, reliable, interoperable, logistically supportable, etc.? Does it get the job done? Is it secure? Where is it vulnerable, and what's its ability to recover from an attack?

And then all of this, with AI systems, needs to be done through ethical action, which gets us back to the responsible Ai principle. It's this big beast of a problem that we're overseeing here. To summarize, I have a colleague who says that our job is to “ensure that AI-enabled systems do what they should do, that they don't do what they shouldn't do, and that the humans are trained to use these systems in the way that they should be used.”

I think this is a tremendous opportunity. The potential for impact on the world is fantastic because this is a tremendously valuable and powerful technology. It will change how the DOD does business, how we function internally, how we fight our wars, take care of our people, and support disaster relief. The DOD will not use a system that's not tested, and that's not trusted. And so that's how I view our role, assuring those systems so that the DOD can take advantage of the supremely impactful AI technology.

There's a lot of work coming out of JAIC. Also, the US technology and Science office at the White House focuses on the trustworthiness of technology, such as Ai, and on improving our competitiveness for the 21st century. Where do you see the United States in this field? In 5 years and ten years and 20 years from now?

The US was the first country to adopt AI ethical principles in its department of defense. That was a great display of how we feel about it and our leadership in the space. Since then, NATO and the UK have adopted similar AI principles.

As we look at history and the future, I think an essential part of this is that these principles did not emerge in a vacuum. This is merely an adaptation of generations of ethical and policy frameworks around ethical warfare and the law of armed conflict.

Just war theory, different ethics rules regarding the development and use of weapons, etc., so we're by no means starting from scratch. Indeed, there are some new things to be learned regarding Ai, and I expect our Department of Defense to keep leading this field for the foreseeable future. We're investing much more than others in these areas, and I see very high advocacy and care across the department. I also see us partnering with the creme de la creme of industry and academia and leading many international discussions in this area.

Hopefully, we're looking at a virtuous cycle where we have some initial successes implementing responsible AI technology, which will lead to broader trust and adoption that gives us even more opportunities to learn and improve our responsible Ai infrastructure. Because, as you have noted, you're never done learning when it comes to something like this.

I see us establishing and maintaining global norms in the use of AI and defense, hopefully continuing to earn the trust of the American public industry and the broader community and strengthening our international partnerships by assuring them of our shared values and demonstrating our commitment to them.

What is one initiative or one project that you are most proud of? And how did it help, or will help, the work you're doing, or what the US government is doing for everyday citizens?

Within the JAIC, there's plenty to be proud of. We've had quite a few accomplishments and many impactful projects, including humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and an NLP project that made the DoD more efficient when instantiating new policy initiatives - in fact, in that case, there has been so much traction that the founder and architect of that initiative who was also a leader at the JAIC, is starting a company to scale and commercialize the application. But I want to focus on something my team has done, which is narrower than the rest of the JAIC.

We have recently developed a test and evaluation bulk purchasing agreement. It's a contract mechanism, which might sound boring, but it's an incredibly impactful initiative. A couple of years ago, when I first got to the JAIC, I needed help evaluating a new technology, even when I had the money, and even when I had a vendor on board that could help me, I wasn't able to obligate the funds.

We didn't have the contract vehicles that were sophisticated enough to accommodate our new and emerging AI needs. And so, the JAIC set out to create this contract vehicle and create a bench of trusted and experienced industry vendors because partnering with the industry for this is paramount!

We have a list of industry vendors we have evaluated, amongst whom we can very quickly compete for an award test and evaluation contract.

This is tremendously impactful because we've enabled the JAIC and the rest of the Department of Defense to identify and leverage the best industry partners to provide this third-party independent objective test and evaluation of these technologies and create the assurance pipeline we're hoping for. In turn, that will enable the DOD to break through our usual acquisition bureaucracy and get the best product to the warfighter most credibly and efficiently.

It is impressive that our government is hiring people like Dr. Jane Pinelis at its highest and most strategic levels. She has the vision, ethical fortitude, and infinite wisdom needed to keep our country and her fellow citizens safe and secure for the years to come. Her emphasis on collaboration and testing solutions will always lead her team, and in turn, the United States to continue to be the north star that the rest of the industrialized world follows. ​It was Benjamin Franklin who first said, “You can do anything you set your mind to.” Jane demonstrates that anything is possible. She has committed to bringing novel ​AI ​solutions and technologies​​ to help us uplift the American spirit –– to keep the dreams that built this nation alive. ​ Jane is truly an embodiment of the American dream! By focusing on our AI future, we should be confident that the American Dream and our best days lie ahead.

About Dr. Yevgeniya (Jane) Pinelis Chief, AI Assurance Department of Defense Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC)

Dr. Jane Pinelis is the Chief of AI Assurance at the Department of Defense Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC). In this role, she leads a diverse team of testers and analysts in rigorous test and evaluation (T&E) for JAIC capabilities and the development of T&E-specific products and standards that will support testing of AI-enabled systems across the DoD. She also leads the team responsible for instantiating Responsible AI principles into DoD practices.

Before joining the JAIC, Dr. Pinelis served as the Director of Test and Evaluation for USDI’s Algorithmic Warfare Cross-Functional Team, better known as Project Maven. She directed the developmental testing for the AI models, including computer vision, machine translation, facial recognition, and natural language processing.

Also, Dr. Pinelis led the design and analysis of the widely publicized study on the effects of integrating women into combat roles in the Marine Corps. Based on this experience, she co-authored a book titled “The Experiment of a Lifetime: Doing Science in the Wild for the United States Marine Corps.”

Dr. Pinelis holds a BS in Statistics, Economics, and Mathematics, an MA in Statistics, and a Ph.D. in Statistics, all from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

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