With only three days left for the inauguration of Mysuru Dasara, the Mysuru City Corporation on Friday launched a special cleaning drive for keeping the city spick and span when tourists arrive for witnessing the most-awaited celebrations.
Mayor Shivakumar and MLA L. Nagendra launched the drive by flagging off the cleaning vehicles, including earth movers. Deputy Mayor G. Roopa, MCC Health Officer Dr. D.G. Nagaraj, councilors and engineers were present.
The trash lying on the road sides will be cleared in the three-day drive that covers all 65 wards. The wastes marring the city’s beauty will be removed and dumped at the sewage treatment plant. The construction and demolition waste will, however, be transported to a dumping site located on the city outskirts.
The MCC is also taking up a 24x7 special cleanliness exercise from Monday and 350 workers specially hired for the purpose will work in three shifts for keeping the city and venues clean during the festivities.