What you need to know
- Age of Empires 4 is a real time strategy game developed by Relic Entertainment with World's Edge and published by Xbox Game Studios.
- Age of Empires 4 was shadow dropped for Xbox during Gamescom 2023 Opening Night Live but has been available on PC since its initial launch on October 28, 2021.
- Design Director for World's Edge Christopher Rubyor announced a new expansion coming to Age of Empires 4 during Gamescom 2023.
Gamescom 2023 is proving to be the gift that keeps on giving. Xbox Game Studios surprised RTS fans on August 22 by revealing Age of Empires IV's official Xbox release.
The console launch has long been anticipated, but the process for porting RTS titles—which often rely heavily on a wide array of keyboard inputs—to a controller's limited potential bindings is often harrowing for developers. Christopher Rubyor, the Design Director for World's Edge, was interviewed live at the Xbox booth during Gamescom 2023 where he discussed the challenge of porting the game.
Rubyor's interview didn't just focus on porting Age of Empires 4, however, as he was also there to announce that the popular strategy title would be getting it's largest expansion ever. Details on the upcoming DLC were limited, but Rubyor did share that it is titled "The Sultans Ascend" and that it will be a massive addition to the game that is set in the Middle East.
Age of Empires 4 is available now on Xbox and Windows PC and is also available as part of Xbox Game Pass subscriptions. You can read our review of Age of Empires 4 here. You can also check out our very own interview with Christopher Rubyor on Age of Empires 4.