The split between Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis has been one that has taken place largely in public view. Wilde’s relationship with Harry Styles that followed the break up was a very hot topic, as was the fact that Olivia Wilde got served with custody papers while she was literally standing on a stage at CinemaCon last year. That custody battle has been ongoing since then, but Wilde was just handed a significant win as child support will be dealt with in California along with the rest of the case.
Sudeikis and Wilde have been battling in recent months over where their custody disputes would even be heard. Wilde wanted the case to be handled in California, while Sudeikis was fighting for the case to be heard in New York. A judge had previously ruled that custody itself was a California matter, but Sudeikis’ lawyers had recently argued that child support should be heard in New York. However, TMZ reports the judge has now moved that case to California as well.
From the outside looking in, it looked like things were calming down between the pair. Pictures of Wilde and Sudeikis being friendly had been shot recently. Having said that, the legal arguments indicate that there is still more than a little animosity between the two. Wilde’s legal team accuses Sudeikis of going “behind her back” filing for support in New York while the two were apparently working with a family therapist.
With this situation now decided, eyes will certainly turn to California courts to see what happens with both custody and child support. It’s unclear how quickly such decisions might get made. We could see additional motions filed by one side or the other than might delay things further. And even once the judge rules there’s always the possibility of appeals if one side or the other takes issue with the ruling. We have seen custody disputes. Lie the one between Brad Pitt and Angelinas Jolie, go on for years.
Of course, this is not the only legal battle that Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde are part of. However, in the other case, the exes are on the same side. The former nanny hired by Wilde and Sudeikis, who made a few anonymous, but public, statements about the relationship between the two stars in the period when Wilde and Styles were first together. The nanny is suing the former couple for wrongful termination and violation of various California labor laws.
It's unclear at this point exactly what either party is looking for as far as custody arrangements or child support needs. Since there has been this legal battle over where these arguments would be heard, there must be some issues that need to be ironed out.