Vintage Pet Rescue, based in Rhode Island, is known as a nonprofit organization that is helping unwanted seniors find love in their final years through an adoption program, and increasing public awareness in saving senior pets.
Early in the summer, the sanctuary received the adorably cute couple Romeo and Juliet, who had a very special bond for almost two decades. Unfortunately, one of the dogs passed away, yet the team came up with a brilliant idea to help with such an unbearable loss.
More info: Vintage Pet Rescue
After nearly two decades together, doggy Juliet lost her Romeo, but the caretakers at Vintage Pet Rescue found his twin

Romeo and Juliet ended up at Vintage Pet Rescue when their owner passed away. Kristen Peralta, the rescue’s founder, immediately saw that there was a very special connection between the two dogs.
“They were constantly snuggling up together and sharing beds,” Kristen shared. “Romeo would fall asleep first, and Juliet would often walk on top of Romeo to get the most comfortable position. They were always sniffing each other’s ears, and it was very sweet to watch them interact,” she added.
The dogs were together for 17 years; therefore, they were truly inseparable.
Romeo and Juliet were about to settle into their new life when Romeo’s health took an unexpected turn. He started to be no longer interested in food and his kidney failure started to progress.
“When we took him to our vet, his kidney values were so high that they were not able to be read on the machine,” Kristen explained. “We were heartbroken, but we knew the kindest thing for him was to say goodbye. We brought Juliet with us so she could be there,” the woman added.
For 17 years Romeo and Juliet had a very special inseparable bond

When Juliet returned home to the sanctuary that day, it was full of senior dogs, but none of them seemed to help with the aching wound Romeo’s loss left in her heart.
It was really hard to see her in so much sadness and suffering. Therefore, Kristen came up with a brilliant idea.
“A few days after Romeo passed, I just thought it might be helpful if Juliet had something to cuddle with that reminded her of Romeo,” the woman said. “I actually just searched online for a stuffed dachshund, and one of the first ones that came up looked very much like Romeo, so it was kind of perfect,” she added.
The volunteers working at Vintage Pet Rescue weren’t sure how Juliet would respond to this new fluffy friend, yet it seemed to work.
“I know it’s not a Romeo replacement, but it seems to bring her some comfort,” Kristen said.
Day by day, Juliet started to feel more and more comfortable with her new friend and now seems to really enjoy cuddling with this life-sized dachshund toy. She would even often crawl on top of it like she did with Romeo.
“Juliet is 17 and she definitely isn’t in perfect health, so we just want to make her feel comfortable and happy for as long as she has left,” the rescue’s founder shared.
Even though the fluffy toy is not a Romeo replacement, it seems to bring Juliet some comfort

Vintage Pet Rescue was founded by Kristen and Marc Peralta due to their mutual love for senior dogs. They met each other at an animal shelter in 2013, and ever since, they haven’t stopped helping unwanted seniors find love in their final years through their adoption program.
It’s important to mention that the adoption rate for seniors is just 25%, while younger dogs are at a 60% adoption rate. Therefore, Vintage Pet Rescue is doing everything they can to try to change this situation.
The couple, together with their team of volunteers, work hard every day to make sure these animals are provided with attention, love, and all the needed medical care for the last months or years of their lives, and to date, they have already successfully saved the lives of over 1,000 dogs.

Image credits: Vintage Pet Rescue
“Time heals some wounds, but love heals them all,” Matshona Dhliwayo once very beautifully said.
No one will ever be able to replace Romeo for Juliet, yet she is truly a lucky dog since she was able to grow old with her true soulmate. And now Juliet has the entire Vintage Pet Rescue community that not only found her a new fluffy friend but also gives her all of the love and attention she deserves.
The entire story of Romeo and Juliet broke millions of hearts on the internet, but people were grateful for Vintage Pet Rescue’s staff who found a way to help the suffering dog