In the midst of Black Hispanic Heritage Month, The Latin Times celebrates the contribution of Afro Latinos to the U.S. with our first edition of Afro Latino Week 2024.
According to the Pew Research Center, Afro Latinos accounted for as many as 6 million in 2022, representing a significant percentage of the general population who identify themselves as Hispanics or Latinos.
Through interviews, videos, and original content, we explore the cultural impact of Afro Latinos, an identity with a complex history in the Americas, that now lies at the intersection of two minorities in the U.S. (Latinos and African Americans), with all the richness, opportunities, and challenges that this entails.
In a report on 'Black Latinidad,' the Latino Policy & Politics Institute of UCLA defines 'Afro-Latinxs' as individuals who identify both with Hispanic or Latino ethnicity and with Black race in any combination, either alone or with one or more additional races.
This holds significance as Afro Latinos, like the broader Latino population in the country, encounter significant challenges such as discrimination, underrepresentation, and the pursuit of a better life in the U.S.
Six factors that underscore the significance of Afro Latinos in the United States:
Besides representing almost 10% of all Latinos in the U.S., Afro Latinos as a demography share these factors:
- Afro Latinos are younger than non-Black Latinos, with a median age of 21, or 8 years younger than the median age of non-Black Latinos;
- New York is home to the largest Afro Latino population and this community lives along the Atlantic coast, concentrating in cities such as Boston, Virginia Beach, as well as Pittsburgh and large swathes of Florida.
- Afro Latinos have higher education levels than non-Black Latinos: 26% of Afro-Latinas completed a college degree, compared to 18% of non-Black Latinas.
- Afro Latino adults have different origins than Latino adults overall. Afro Latinos are also more likely to be of Puerto Rican or Dominican origin and less likely to be Mexican than Latino adults overall.
- About six-in-ten Afro Latinos (61%) say they personally experienced at least one of eight discrimination incidents in the previous year.
- About one-in-seven Afro-Latinos – or an estimated 800,000 adults – do not identify as Hispanic.
- --Source: Latino Policy & Politics Institute of UCLA, Pew Research
Afro Latinos @ LatinTimes:
For this special, The Latin Times interviewed specialists and Afro Latinos from different cities and backgrounds:
Rosa Clemente, an award-winning activist, political commentator, and independent journalist, who was the first Afro Latino to run for vice president in 2008, delves into the political landscape as we approach the 2024 Elections.
Mika Kenyah, an Afro-Latina comedian striving to "undo decades of generational trauma" through humor, shares her personal journey of embracing her African and Peruvian Indigenous features, breaking stereotypes, and ultimately feeling proud of her heritage.
Alejandro Villapando is an academic expert focused on the intersections of Black, Indigenous, and Central American studies at California State University. He explores the history of the African diaspora in the American continent and the significance the term 'Afro Latino' holds.
Cid Wilson is an Afro-Latino advocate working to enhance Hispanic inclusion in employment and governance. He discusses his journey as a prominent voice in the Latino community and his current role as CEO of the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility.
Samantha Green is an Afro-Latina actress, model, dancer, and designer. She shares her personal experience as a Black Venezuelan in the U.S., the challenges she faced as a performer breaking stereotypes, and the importance for this community to find representation on-screen.
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