The High Court of Karnataka on Tuesday exempted the advocates practising in the district and taluk courts in the State from wearing black coats during the proceedings in these courts from April 18 to May 31 in view of the unusually sweltering summer across the State this year.
A resolution in this regard has been passed in the full court meeting of the High Court held on Tuesday.
The full court took the decision on April 5, acting on a representation submitted by the President of the Advocates’ Association, Bangalore, seeking exemption from wearing a black coat due to rising summer temperatures across the State.
The advocates can wear plain white-shirt/ white-salwar-kameez of any sober colour/ saree of any sober colour with plain white neck bands instead of regular prescribed dress during this period, said notification issued by K.S. Bharath Kumar, Registrar General of the High Court.
While all the court halls in the Principal Bench of the High Court at Bengaluru and the two Benches at Dharwad and Kalaburagi have air-condition facility, the court halls in the district and talk courts have no such facility to beat the summer heat.