There are many cats in Merseyside currently up for adoption.
Rescue charities across the region are looking for households willing to open their homes, and their hearts, to a feline friend. With many cats currently up for adoption, some are sadly, not being looked at twice.
From abandoned pets that were saved by the public to strays found on the streets, here, we have put together a list of 10 cats that are up for adoption in Merseyside, and where to find them - from the RSPCA to Freshfields in Sefton.
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Over at Freshfields you will find:

Jasmine came from a very loving home where unfortunately the family’s new baby was allergic to cats. Jasmine came in with her best friend Sierra, and it is hoped they will find a home together, but staff will consider applications for one or other cat.
Jasmine is a friendly flirty cuddle-monster, who would love to spend an afternoon on your lap having cuddles. She is a 10-year-old gorgeous tortie and white cat. Jasmine is a very affectionate and friendly girl, who loves her treats and will drool for catnip. She has a very distinctive little meow, so you know when she’s calling you over for yet another fuss and attention session.

Sierra is a 10-year-old tortie and white cat, who has obviously been very much loved and cared for, like her BFF Jasmine. Sierra is an independent huntress of a cat who would not be out of place roaming the Serengeti, as she loves to explore and have adventures.
She’s also full of affection and likes her home comforts too, and will happily give head bumps and cuddles to anybody lucky enough to catch her attention.
Staff are struggling to find someone who will take both Sierra and Jasmine as they said: "We know it’s sometimes a big ‘ask’ to take a pair but these two love each other and we would really love to find them a home where they can stay together."

Mimi is a strikingly beautiful 13-year-old Bengal cat. She much prefers her human friends over her fellow felines. She’s very outgoing, which is not typical of Bengal cats.
Mimi behaves much more like a domestic cat, and is more than ready for a loving home. Her ideal home would be one with either no children, or sensible older children.

Beautiful Bella is the rescue's longest-staying cat, and would dearly love to find a cosy spot, comfy sofa and a place in the sun. Bella has been overlooked for some time now and staff think her diabetes is a big factor in that.
Her condition is easily managed with daily injections, which are not painful and cause her no stress as she’s used to them by now. Bella will do anything for a treat, which of course has to be given sparingly as she needs to have a proper diet.
More information about the cats at Freshfields can be found here.
Over at the RSPCA Wirral you will find:

12-year-old Kitty has had some tough luck being rehomed and is needing a quiet family that can look after her. She is nervous, loud noises can spook her but once she is settled and trusts her humans she is the best lap cat.
She loves head scratches and cheek rubs. She has a tiny meow and does not ask for much. Kitty needs to be kept indoors and may be able to be rehomed with another cat or dog.
Jasper and Tilly

Jasper and Tilly came in as a trio via an RSPCA Inspector from a home of various cats living in filthy conditions and not being attended to. There were meant to be five kittens but two were missing, presumed deceased.
After they were reunited with their mum, she rejected them. A couple of months after arriving at the RSPCA they were diagnosed with ringworm which meant they couldn’t be rehomed. Months of treatments including being shaved; the kittens have been extraordinarily brave and put up with so much.
Now, their ringworm test came back negative. It is hoped they could be rehomed together.
Gavin and Stacey

Gavin and Stacey were abandoned by their owners. Stacey, aged three, is more confident than Gavin, aged five, who is a little shy and likes to be tucked away. They are looking for a quiet home to settle in but can be rehomed with another cat.
More about the cats up for adoption at the RSPCA can be found here.
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