Actor Aditi Rao Hydari feels lucky to have been getting opportunities that allow her to associate with legendary directors and wonderful films. This year, Aditi has been seen in varied roles. From sweet and loving Leela in the Tamil film Kaatru Veliyidai and the opinionated Bhoomi in the Sanjay Dutt-starrer Bhoomi to her next character in Padmavati, the actor reveals that she is always on a lookout for characters that motivate her to perform better.
Asked how difficult or easy is it to move from one character to another and, that too, if the roles are intense, Aditi says, “Directors like Mani Ratnam or Sanjay Leela Bhansali or even Omung Kumar make cinema that you feel a connect with. They aren’t just [randomly] putting together projects. The way they narrate stories can be felt in the atmosphere of their sets, in the dialogues, costumes, and everything else. With them, it’s like magic. So, as soon as I entered Mani sir’s set, I felt like Leela, or for that matter Bhoomi’s set, I could relate to her issues. That helps me forget what I have done before and take on my new role.”
Aditi adds that to perform her roles better, she takes inspiration from people she works with — be it actors, directors, or those who are associated with a particular project. She says that their dedication and the way they put things together to make the film happen push her to give her best, too.
“The moment I enter a film set and see how people around me are working so hard, makes me feel that I should also perform my part well. After all, only a united effort can lead to success,” says Aditi.
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