Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao directed Finance and Health Minister T. Harish Rao and Collector M. Hanumantha Rao to address the problems of Mallannasagar oustees in Siddipet district.
Addressing a gathering after inaugurating the Mallannasagar project at Toguta mandal in Siddipet district on Wednesday, he said that the government will not hesitate to spend to another ₹100 crore to meet the requirements of oustees, when ₹1 lakh crore was spent on Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme (KLIS).
“Mr. Harish Rao is a dynamic leader. He has the capacity to complete works. The sacrifices made by the oustees are invaluable. Injustice cannot be done to them. We will render justice to the those who lost their lands and became oustees by leaving the villages. Every oustee must receive compensation. Take up special programmes and do justice to them. Provide employment to them,” Rao told the Finance Minister.