Kannada actor Yash and his wife Radhika Pandit were blessed with a baby girl on Sunday. Radhika gave birth to their first child in a private hospital in Bengaluru at around 6 am. The couple had earlier taken to social media to announce the pregnancy with a quirky video that looked like a teaser, which Yash had shared.
Yash and Radhika came together for the television show Nandagokul, and eventually started dating. The couple was together for six years before they tied the knot in 2016. The two actors also made their film debut together with a 2008 movie titled Moggina Manasu and have since worked together on four films.
From 2008 till now, Yash’s stature in the industry has grown of late. The actor is looking forward to one of the biggest films to be made in Kannada film industry called Kolar Gold Fields (KGF). The trailer which had released in November had impressed the audience and the fraternity alike with its sharp editing and visuals. The team has recreated the goldmines from the 70s and will portray greed, slavery and more.
Yash is also politically active and has campaigned for Bharatiya Janata Party and Janata Dal (Secular) candidates in Mysuru and Mandya districts in Karnataka in the recent state assembly elections. Radhika is well-known for her roles in films such as Hudugaru, Addhuri, Drama, Bahaddur and Mr and Mrs Ramachari.
Other members of the film fraternity have also wished the couple on Twitter. Actor Rashmika Mandanna wrote, “@NimmaYash sir @RadhikaPandit7 ma’am..I am so so happy for two of you.. congratulations ..may the god bless the little one with all the love and happiness..and the two of you with the best health and happiness.”
See wishes from other celebrities here |
Congratulations to the new parents Radhika and @NimmaYash !!!Your little girl is going to be the most amazing and gorgeous part of your lives!God bless you!!🤗 pic.twitter.com/2E1XiMfNOm
— Priya Radhakrishnan (@iampriya06) December 2, 2018
@NimmaYash sir @RadhikaPandit7 ma’am..I am so so happy for two of you.. congratulations ..😁 may the god bless the little one with all the love and happiness..and the two of you with the best health and happiness..😁❤️❤️
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) December 2, 2018
And its a doll 😍 congratulations @NimmaYash @RadhikaPandit7 💕
— Shanvi Srivastava (@shanvisrivastav) December 2, 2018
Congratulations @NimmaYash Anna And @RadhikaPandit7 mam#GirlBaby 👶👶👶 pic.twitter.com/8DjdiUAqgq
— Sanchitha Gowda 🐦 (@Sanchitha7999) December 2, 2018
First Published: Dec 03, 2018 12:57 IST