A high drama involving actor Vinayakan on Tuesday evening culminated in his arrest after he allegedly created a ruckus under the influence of alcohol at the Ernakulam North police station.
He turned up at the station around 7.30 p.m. and allegedly started hurling abuse at the police personnel. Reportedly, the police tolerated him for a while and was forced to book him as his abusive behaviour continued.
According to sources, he was booked under the Kerala Police Act Section 118 (causing grave violation of public order or danger). The police were reportedly contemplating pressing graver charges against him.
Five police personnel, including a woman police officer attached to the Town police station, had gone to Vinayakan’s apartment along Stadium Link Road in the city around 3.30 p.m. after the actor himself had made a call to the station over an alleged quarrel with his wife involving financial matters. However, he allegedly misbehaved with the cops when they turned up and sought to see proof of their identity.
The police listened to both Vinayakan and his wife before leaving his apartment after reportedly summoning him to the station the next day. However, the actor turned up at the police station, suspected to be under the influence of alcohol, later in the day and sought to know the identity of the cops, including the woman cop, who he alleged intruded into his apartment and asked rhetorically whether the police listened to women’s complaints alone.
After taking him into custody, the police took him to the Ernakulam General Hospital for medical examination where it was reportedly confirmed that he was under the influence of alcohol. He allegedly created a ruckus in the hospital as well after people gathered to see him.