Renowned character actor John Aprea, known for his memorable roles in film and television, has passed away at the age of 83. Aprea, who portrayed the young Salvatore Tessio in The Godfather Part II and the father of John Stamos' character on Full House, died on August 5 in Los Angeles due to natural causes.
The New Jersey native had a prolific career spanning several decades. He appeared in a variety of films, including Caged Heat (1974), Crazy Mama (1975), and The Manchurian Candidate (2004). Aprea also showcased his talent on television, playing roles in popular shows like Another World, The Montefuscos, and Full House.
One of the highlights of Aprea's career was his portrayal of Tessio in The Godfather Part II, a role that he cherished. He also had memorable performances in projects like The Idolmaker, New Jack City, and The Gangster Chronicles.
Throughout his career, Aprea displayed his versatility as an actor, taking on a wide range of characters in both film and television. His work was well-received by audiences and critics alike.
Aprea's legacy extends beyond his professional accomplishments. He is survived by his third wife, Betsy, his daughter Nicole from a previous marriage, and stepchildren Marika and Valentino. He was predeceased by his sister, Rosanna.
John Aprea's contributions to the entertainment industry will be remembered, and his talent will continue to inspire future generations of actors.